Saturday, September 26, 2009

Everyone wants to go to Heaven, but no one wants to die

No one really knows what happens after we die. Many believe that there is some kind of afterlife, but there's only one way to find out for sure. How many devout believers who are diagnosed with cancer tell their doctors: "screw the treatment plan doc, I'll just go to the promised land a little bit early." If heaven is so great, and a person is so sure that he/she is going there, then why put it off a single day?

What motivates so many people to stay in this world for as long as they can? Is it the survival instinct, is it the fear of the unknown? Perhaps people think that they're not destined for a positive afterlife experience. Perhaps their religious faith is not as strong as they thought, and they start wondering: "what if there is no heaven, reincarnation, nirvana, etc.?"

Meanwhile, millions of people directly benefit from keeping us alive as long as possible. Medical providers, drug companies, government bureaucrats, insurance companies, nursing homes, etc. have everything to gain from prolonging our lives. We don't want to die, and they don't want us to die.

Perhaps governments don't allow euthanasia because dead people don't fuel economies or pay taxes. Perhaps religions teach that suicide is immoral because dead people don't tithe. Perhaps doctors perform hip replacements on insured 85 year olds because they'll get paid for it.

I don't want to suffer through invasive treatments when there is little or no chance of returning to a productive life. I don't want to sit around in a nursing home waiting to die. When that time comes, I want the option to choose the final frontier: death.

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